votre partenaire avicole
a name around the world for top quality incubation system that has built its reputation on innovation, technology and service.
NEXTEK-CI is a company working with the most revolutionized incubation system from JAMESWAY.
NEXTEK-CI is specialized in the production and the selling of day old chicks:
- Hatching eggs.
- pullets till 18 weeks age.

NEXTEK-CI is also specialized in selling farm materials:
Drinkers, feeders, silos, radiants, cages, etc...
NEXTEK-CI is also specialized in selling egg crates and table eggs.
NEXTEK-CI is established in Ivory Coast in West Africa.
We are collaborating with some of the most parents selling companies in the world and even the well known: COBB for the broiler chicks and ISA for the breeder chicks.
NEXTEK-CI is a new company but with a lot of experience. Our team is made of a qualified personnel. The goal of the company is to produce chicks of irreproachable quality. NEXTEK-CI determines all the aspects of the production even the smallest details.
Thanks to our production capacity and breeding, we are able to provide a great number of chicks to the largest broiler production and layer farms.
The principal objective of our company NEXTEK-CI is the continuity of the tradition of breeding.  We want to offer to our customers and partners the best chicks in order to optimize the production of table egg and chicken meat while spending less in chick feeding.

- An advanced control of the incubation for zoo-technical performances, better productivity and better profitability.
-Vaccination of our PS (parent stock) against the most known diseases and vaccination against salmonellas, mycoplasms, encephalomyelitides, avian flu to meet an urgent need of this disease and especially gumboro at laying to protect our future layer, cockerel and broiler chicks against the plague of gumboro. With our innovating approach, the reproductive parents give to their offspring a very good immunity against the various diseases and various plagues.
- Service and expertise of our team. We ensure our customers an effective and fast after-sales service by our technicians. We will follow you in your farms to assure to us that the chicks offer their best genetic potential by having a maximum production.
- Techniques set up by our team to keep the customers informed of our steps and to keep us informed of the evolution of their livestock.
- Strict Biosecurity. To offer healthy and without diseases chicks to customers, we set up a very developed and very strict system of Biosecurity in our reproductive farms and especially in our hatchery. We combined the advantages of sanitation of our breedings with the current ideas of the protection of the animals for the good being of our chicks, born to be safe of any disease and powerful on the ground. This allows our customers and collaborators to obtain a chick of quality with a maternal immunity very developed.
The main aim of broiler farms is primarily the production of a great quantity of meat within the shortest possible time with the lowest possible consumption of feed. This objective is achieved by means of a heavy chick being able to offer this pleasure to us while keeping a very low death rate. It is the reason which pushed us to collaborate with suppliers of reproducers being able to offer an operational potential of profitability to us in the farms of our customers. It is vital to know the bases and to appreciate and to measure the efforts made by NEXTEK-CI to achieve this goal. In chick breeding, we are used to refer to different indices and parameter techniques in particular food conversion to express the performance level and of profitability. But the future for us the farmers is to measure more in terms of income and profit rather than in terms of performance and costs.

Our hybrids have a remarkable solidity against the hot climate. They produce eggs of good quality and especially in great quantity. Because food conversion is very important, we chose a robust chick. We chose ISA
The chick farmers remain by far the first chick meat and table egg producers for the market. However, to predict the future of this market remains complex…
What choices will you make, you table egg and chick meat producer?
No matter what choice you make, your choice will make it possible or not for your company or your farm to progress towards a better and powerful future.
To help you in this search, we at NEXTEK-CI implemented all our knowledge and the knowledge of our collaborators. This is to succeed and allow you to do as much of us.
Make a decision; discover our chicks, fruit of our labors with in parallel a glance on the future…

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